You may be thinking about hiring a pet sitter to watch your furbabies during your next vacation. While leaving your pets in their own familiar environment is often the best idea for them, you may be wondering how the whole process works. As your local North Wales pet sitter I would be happy to walk you through the process of setting up a pet sitter.
- Do your research! When looking for a pet sitter, ask around and search online! Maybe your neighbor uses a great dog walker? Or maybe you prefer searching Google for the best local pet sitting company?
- Give them a call! Call up the local pet sitters that you are interested in! Ask them questions, find out about their procedures!
- Schedule a meeting! Have the pet sitting company over to meet them in person and have them meet your furry friends!
- Go over the routine! Give your pet sitter up-to-date details about your pets’ feeding, walking and sleeping routines.
- Schedule your visits with your sitter! Its always best to schedule ahead of time! Many pet sitting companies cannot easily fit new clients into their schedule around the holidays – so call early!
Once you are already established with a pet sitter, scheduling last minute shouldn’t be too much of a problem (as long as its not near a holiday!). Most pet sitting companies are available for last minute or sometimes even same-day service. Having a trusted pet sitter on call for your pets’ needs will certainly make life easier!
For more pet-related tips and information, follow us on Facebook! Or schedule your consultation today!