North Wales cat sitterSo far you and your pet have survived the winter holidays! This past season your fur-baby has dodged the hazards many festivities have entailed: mountainous snow, icy sidewalks, holiday candles, thunderous fireworks, toxic chocolate candies, and overwhelming attention from family. It almost seems like a miracle to still be in one piece!

Many pet owners know the usual winter holidays dangers to avoid in order to keep cats and dogs healthy and safe. However, spring carries in its own potential perils. During the next few months, fresh and beautiful flowers will begin to pop up all around—both indoors and outdoors. Some of these species may be highly toxic to you puppy or kitty if ingested, so read the following lists provided by UC Davis VetMed and The Humane Society to ensure the safety of your “fur-balls.”

The most common dangerous plants include: Lilies, Daffodils, Chrysanthemums, Azaleas, Poinsettias, Birds of Paradise, and Aloe Vera.

Fortunately, four-leaf clovers are not mentioned in these lists, so St. Patty’s Day should bring lots of luck your way! However, hopping into Easter, it is important to remember that Easter Lilies are very poisonous to pets. Although they are beautiful and fragrant, these plants should be kept up high and out of reach from your curious cat or troublesome pup. Flowers make lovely gifts, so consider these safe alternatives: African Violets, Easter Daisies, Orchids, or Roses.

We can’t guarantee that Mr. Whiskers will be safe from your niece’s eye-popping hug, but we hope to contribute to pets’ well-being by providing the names of toxic plants. Reading these lists and following the advice regarding purchases of spring flora should lead both you and Fluffy to an enjoyable and gorgeous spring season.

~Written by guest blogger and North Wales cat sitter, Jenny B!

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