Pet-Sitter-VacationAs your local Lansdale pet sitter, I often encourage our clients to try out our online scheduling system. Sometimes they may wonder why we use an online scheduling program. The answer is… why wouldn’t  we!? If your pet sitter isn’t using a scheduling system – you may want to ask them – why not? In today’s age of technology, keeping track of visits in a scheduling program is much easier than in an old-style planner.

We currently use LeashTime – an online scheduling system specifically designed for the pet industry. Everything is kept on a secure, online server so there is no longer a need for planners or phone calendars! We don’t need to bring client files along with us, that may have secure information like alarm codes and garage codes!

The benefits of using a scheduling system:

  • Our clients can book, change or cancel services from their own computer!
  • Our clients can change any pet information, emergency contacts, or Vet info at any time!
  • It allows us to email our clients their schedule ahead of time for them to look over!
  • Your pet sitter can access it from their computers or cell phones, so they can see the information they need at any time!
  • It stores important pet information and updates, so no need to carry around paper files anymore
  • It can’t get lost or ripped or stolen like a planner or client files could
  • It emails us our schedule each night for the following day – so that a visit is never missed!
  • If a company has multiple sitters, how could you ever fit all of the visits into a planner?

These are just a few of the reasons we absolutely love our scheduling system! It save us from the headaches that a pen and paper planner can cause! As a Lansdale pet sitting business manager, I am able to check if my sitters have all arrived safely at their visits! 

For more dog-related tips and tricks, follow us on Facebook! Or contact us today to set up your complimentary consultation!